JB5 / 48pgs / 6USD
24 pages story, first 24 pages are in japanese and last 24 pages are in english, in total 48!
5.5cms / 9.3USD / Golden Edge
From the song "Si Lo Puedes ReconoceR" by Maubox
24pgs / 2USD / Select the language you prefer!
※This download version will only be available until April 18th
5.8cm / Glow in the dark / 4USD
5cms / Single sided with metal enamel panda piece / 8USD
B5 / 48枚 / ¥600
5.5cms / ¥930 / ゴールデンエッジアクキ
Mauboxの"Si Lo Puedes ReconoceR"の曲からのアクキです
5cm / エナメルパンダ / アクキー / ¥800